Legumbres Arveja Rizobacter
Argentina obtained authorization to export this legume to China, setting up a challenge for national growers. In order to achieve good yields and quality, technicians recommend choosing a well-drained plot and prioritizing early crop care. Seed treatment and inoculation are two strategic practices.
Interview with Rizobacter’s CEO, Ricardo Yapur
July, 2021, Pergamino, Argentina/ Davis, CA, USA. – Rizobacter -- a subsidiary of Bioceres Crop Solutions Corp. (NASDAQ: BIOX) and a global leader in sustainable solutions for agriculture -- and Marrone Bio (NASDAQ: MBII) (MBI) -- an international leader in sustainable bioprotection and plant health solutions -- today announced that Rizonema , a biological seed treatment for nematodes and soil dwelling insects, will be offered for use in row crops in Brazil through an expanded distribution agreement.
Microstar Bio
Rizobacter launches a new specialty fertilizer product line called Microstar BIO, where biologicals are combined with a chemical fertilizer
Biological control is used to reduce the incidence of pests and diseases, by using natural enemies. Due to their different modes of action, bioprotectors ensure protection efficiency and minimize disease tolerance. They can be used alternatively or complementarily with main chemically synthesized seed treatments.
GILBERT, AZ (January 18, 2021) Heliae® Agriculture announced today a new strategic collaboration with Rizobacter, a subsidiary of Bioceres Crop Solutions Corp., a global leader in sustainable solutions for agriculture.
Semillas tratadas rizobacter
By Susana Solá -Head of Research and Seeds Quality at Rizobacter
Within the framework of a strengthening alliance, Syngenta has incorporated Rizoderma Soja (Soybean) technology into its seed treatment products portfolio. Tested for more than 10 years in different extensive crops, this biofungicide is gaining ground in Argentina and in the world.
September 15th, 2020, Pergamino, Argentina/ Davis, CA, USA. -- Rizobacter, a subsidiary of Bioceres Crop Solutions Corp. (NYSE: BIOX) and global leader in sustainable solutions for agriculture, and Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. (NASDAQ: MBII) (MBI), an international leader in sustainable bioprotection and plant health solutions, announced the signing of an exclusive agreement to distribute a foliar fertilizer and plant health technology in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia.